Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do Criminals Have Gray Hair?

Was it my graying hair or the chunk of metal in my hip that made me seem to be a security threat? I never did find out. Seems the TSA does not resolve the cause of any alarm as it claims to do on its website. I was certainly treated like a criminal.
I should know: Over 25 years serving as a cop, I certainly have seen my share. But that didn’t matter. Neither did the brand new medical ID card that was included in the price of the new hip implant.

I look nothing like Jesse Ventura []. So why did the TSA have to humiliate me after the metal detector alerted them to the titanium in my hip? Worse, when I did make a complaint to a supervisor, why was I subjected to hostility?
Most people don’t expect to walk into the airport and be immune from the security measures. We understand the rules. Especially people who have spent the last twenty years or so making sure people obey those rules so that, plainly put, nobody gets hurt. But while you serve your community and mature, you learn to have compassion with everyone: good and bad. Not all the time, but there are moments.
I also understand policies and procedures. I have served a large urban city plagued by violence and poverty as the “ombudsman” and have written policies and procedures. I have calmed people who have been upset with police officers and have disciplined officers who forgot their purpose. But I don’t like to be ignored and don’t like to be yelled at.

And so after being ignored by my state senator, I started searching the web. You ever feel alone? But finally, I was able to track down some policy makers involved with the TSA. NO, not Blogger Bob.
I hope to share your stories and to improve the current state of the Transportation Security Agency via policy and procedural improvement. Please send any stories you might have to Obviously, there is some truth to the contempt and lack of compassion displayed by some TSA agents. I aim to advocate on your behalf and obtain the responses that many of you should have received in the first place. Your Ombudsman. Together, WE can improve air travel security while Maintaining Dignity.

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